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  • Is your hospice a free facility?
    Yes, Virat Hospice is a free facility. Nothing is charged from any patient or family. Its being run by public donations..
  • Can a hospice patient who shows signs of recovery be returned to regular medical treatment?
    Certainly. If the patient's condition improves and the disease seems to be in remission, patients can be discharged from hospice and return to aggressive therapy or go on about their daily life. If the discharged patient should later need to return to hospice care, Medicare and most private insurance will allow additional coverage for this purpose.
  • What does the hospice admission process involve?
    One of the first things the hospice program will do is contact the patient's physician to make sure he or she agrees that hospice care is appropriate for this patient at this time. (Most hospices have medical staff available to help patients who have no physician.) The patient will be asked to sign consent and insurance forms. These are similar to the forms patients sign when they enter a hospital.
  • Does hospice do anything to make death come sooner?
    Hospice neither hastens nor postpones dying. Just as doctors and midwives lend support and expertise during the time of child birth, hospice provides its presence and specialized knowledge during the dying process..
  • How does hospice "manage pain"?"
    Hospice believes that emotional and spiritual pain are just as real and in need of attention as physical pain, so it can address each. Hospice nurses and doctors are up to date on the latest medications and devices for pain and symptom relief. In addition, physical and occupational therapists can assist patients to be as mobile and self sufficient as they wish, and they are sometimes joined by specialists schooled in music therapy, art therapy, massage and diet counseling. Finally, various counselors, including clergy, are available to assist family members as well as patients..
  • What is hospice's success rate in battling pain?
    Very high. Using some combination of medications, counseling and therapies, most patients can attain a level of comfort they consider acceptable..
  • Will medications prevent the patient from being able to talk or know what's happening?
    Usually not. It is the goal of hospice to have the patient as pain free and alert as possible. By constantly consulting with the patient, hospices have been very successful in reaching this goal..
  • Does hospice provide any help to the family after the patient dies?
    Most hospices provide continuing contact and support for caregivers for at least a year following the death of a loved one. Many hospices also sponsor bereavement groups and support for anyone in the community who has experienced a death of a family member, a friend, or similar losses..
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